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Chemical Peels

Most patients display panic when their doctors mention the word “chemical peel”. They think blistering, desquamation, scabs and a long recovery period. With all the more media coverage, people are starting to realize that there are different levels of chemical peels. Even “lunch time peels” where you can go back to work and still look radiant.

If you are considering a chemical peel, the following information will provide you with a good introduction to the procedure. For more detailed information about how the procedure may help you, we recommend that you consult a registered physician who has completed a training program that includes instruction in this procedure, such as Dr van Wyngaardt.

What is a Chemical Peel, and What Types Are Out There?

Chemical peel is the application of a chemical solution to induce a healing process in the skin. It is used to improve and smooth the texture of the facial skin by removing its damaged outer layers. A peel removes several layers of sun damaged skin cells, leaving fresh skin which has a more even surface and color. It also stimulates new collagen to be formed improving skin texture and quality. Peels may result in superficial, medium depth or deep skin peeling.

With aging, the accumulated effects of sun exposure, pollutants, acne, and scarring can damage our skin and cause us to look older than we are. Such skin damage can be treated with a chemical peel, a non-invasive procedure designed to promote cell growth and produce smoother, clearer skin.

Chemical peels are also used to treat pigmentation, sunspots, melasma (a skin condition characterised by irregularly shaped patches of brown skin commonly found on the face and neck), and pre-cancerous changes in the skin.

Chemical peels may be used to treat damage caused by exposure to the sun (photo ageing), to remove pigmentation such as freckles or sunspots and fine lines and wrinkles. A chemical peel may also soften acne facial scars and even control acne.


The Peel

In South Africa, superficial peels may be performed by non-physicians. Medium and Deep peels should be administered by doctors only. Prescription medication is also needed for these procedures and therefore can only be performed by a doctor.

Chemical peels are a minor procedure and no special arrangements are needed. But you may need painkillers, or local anaesthetic for some peels.

First the face is thoroughly washed to remove surface oil. The peeling agent is then applied for several minutes. The solution will sting – the severity and period depending on the the chemical, its concentration, whether you’ve had pre-treatment with tretinoin, and individual factors.

Individual treatments may include peels with several agents on the same occasion, with the aim of improving results and reducing risks.

Antibiotics and antiviral agents may be recommended after deeper peels.

After the Peel

After an AHA peel, it is common to experience some temporary flaking or scaling, redness and dryness of the skin. However, these conditions will disappear as the skin adjusts to treatment.

After a phenol or TCA peel, your doctor may prescribe a mild pain medication to relieve any tingling or throbbing you may feel. If tape was used to cover your face, it will be removed after a day or two. A crust or scab will form on the treated area. To help your face heal properly, it is essential that you follow your doctor’s specific post-operative instructions.
A TCA peel may also cause significant swelling, depending on the strength of the peel used.

Recovery Post Peel

Superficial peels result in mild facial redness and occasional swelling which usually resolve within 48 hours. The peeling is similar to sunburn. Most people can continue their normal activities. Make-up can be applied a few hours after the procedure. With an AHA peel, the temporary redness, flaking and dryness that you experience will not prevent you from working or engaging in your normal activities. A fresher and improved skin texture will result with continued AHA treatments. Remember, protecting your skin from the sun is also important following these mild acid peels.

Medium depth peels result in dry crust, inflammation and swelling, which resolve within a week. The peeling is more marked. Mild redness can persist for several weeks. It is best to avoid sun exposure unless you are adequately protected.

Post Treatment Instructions

• Keep treated areas cool (apply a cooling gel such as Burn Shield or its equivalent, available from Dischem and other pharmacies).
• Do not pick! Picking delays healing and causes scarring
• Moisturize – use light preparations after a superficial peel, thicker moisturisers after a deeper peel. The skin should stay moist all the time during the healing period.
• Protect from the sun – especially for the first 6 months
• If advised to do so, continue to use tretinoin, glycolic acid, depigmenting agents and/or hydroquinone at night long term


Improvements from AHA peels may be very subtle at first. You may detect a healthier glow to your skin. With continued treatments, you will notice a general improvement in the texture of your skin.

Peels can be repeated as necessary; some people have superficial peels every few weeks. It is wise to wait 3 to 6 months before repeating a moderate depth peel.


Complications are uncommon if the health professional performing the peel is properly trained.

• Comedones (blocked pores) or acne may result from the peel itself or from thick moisturisers used afterwards; ask your doctor for treatment.
• Infection due to bacteria (Staphylococcus aureus), yeast (Candida albicans), or virus (Herpes simplex); you may need antibiotics or antivirals.
• Scarring may result from infection or picking the scabs, and can be permanent.
• Blotchy pigmentation is most likely in those with darker skin or who had a pigmentation problem before the peel; keep out of the sun and use hydroquinone.

Avoiding Complications

• Ensure your doctor’s instructions are carefully followed
• If you don’t understand, ask!
• Let your doctor know promptly if there are any problems – complications are easier to deal with early than late


 Click here to see how to prepare before your cosmetic procedure


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